20 Times People Were So Happy They Got Fired
Nathan Johnson
We've all done jobs we weren't proud of.
I once moon-lit as a security guard outside a very exclusive gentleman's club in Roswell, New Mexico. Never actually saw the inside of the place but, suffice to say, some weird stuff was going on inside there. Sunglasses at night were disproportionately popular among the patronage, as were blue surgical gloves. No idea why. Very odd name too, "Aerospace Vehicular Experimentation and Research Program."
Anyway, my point is that sometimes you're just sick of waking up in your apartment with no recollection of having left work the night before. Or you want to know why you've never seen your boss or heard their voice despite having worked there for nearly twenty years. Whatever the reason, sometimes people get so fed up with their terrible, horrible job that finally being fired brings nothing but relief.
I once moon-lit as a security guard outside a very exclusive gentleman's club in Roswell, New Mexico. Never actually saw the inside of the place but, suffice to say, some weird stuff was going on inside there. Sunglasses at night were disproportionately popular among the patronage, as were blue surgical gloves. No idea why. Very odd name too, "Aerospace Vehicular Experimentation and Research Program."
Anyway, my point is that sometimes you're just sick of waking up in your apartment with no recollection of having left work the night before. Or you want to know why you've never seen your boss or heard their voice despite having worked there for nearly twenty years. Whatever the reason, sometimes people get so fed up with their terrible, horrible job that finally being fired brings nothing but relief.
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Worked at a tire shop and just by a fluke of prefect timing I caught the Asst. Mgr take an upskirt picture of a customer who was bent over looking in her trunk for a lug key. I broke his nose. They fired me and it was absolutely appropriate to do so, and I don't even feel bad about it cause they fired him too. -
I kept avoiding calls at the company I worked at because we sold cable and every single customer that walked in and every single call was someone screaming at me and telling me what a piece of sh!t I was cause they were angry about something on their bill. I got told by an old woman she hoped my mom died in a fire over two dollars. So they call me in and tell me I'm fired for call avoidance and I just shrugged, said okay and left. Didn't feel bad. Didn't wallow in it. Felt a giant weight come off my shoulders. -
The woman I loved was dying in hospital. I asked for time off to be with her. Since I was still in my probation period they cancelled my contract. We're engaged. -
Reported coworker for sexually harassing a minor. Manager fired me for making the accusation against her friend. She got fired, the district manager got fired, he got fired after he was caught in a bathroom with a minor. -
Was an assistant store manager at Lowe's and decided to go back to school to become a teacher and drop down to an hourly position for three months and then I was going to leave the company after that to study full time. The day before the transfer they fired me which saved them from paying me half of my saved up vacation time which was worth about $300. ​ As I am being led out of the store my buddy in HR says you can get unemployment and slides me a note with the phone number. I get 6 months of unemployment at $300 a week. -
Had this English works supervisor in Ireland once who was really nasty to Polish migrants. I had been asked to help out on the project and this as**ole who had been used to pushing around Polish immigrants got a shock when I hauled him up in front of everyone for workplace infringements. He tried to accuse me of being racist against English people but all the Polish got behind me and compiled a catalogue of outstanding grievances which got his a*s kicked off the project. Last I heard he'd gone back to England. -
I got fired once in college for giving a burnt fried shrimp dinner to a homeless dude. I was a floor manager. The burnt food just sat in the window for like three hours. He came in, said he was hungry and would take anything. I bagged up the dinner and gave him a togo cup with water. I was fired for "feeding those f*cking stray dogs." -
I got fired from a restaurant job that I hated. The unemployment I got was more than the restaurant had been paying me. -
Worked at a "big" supermarket chain. Did cashier job, placed out products and some behind the scenes management. One day i get called to the back. It was the regional manager, said my deficit after my shifts as cashier is getting out of control, about 10-50 bucks every shift. Threatened me with cops saying that they surveillance videos showing me stealing the money. I said sure, get the cops here, i'll just wait. After 30 minutes cops arrived. When we started watching the footage there was nothing showing that i stole the money, cops said there is no evidence against me, and took off. I still got fired on the spot and they even banned me from entering their stores all over the country. Few weeks later i get a call from the girl that was working there with me, covering me for smoke breaks when i was cashier. Teared up, choking from crying. It was her stealing the money all the time while i used my breaks. Got charges pressed against her, did 120 hours community service and paid a huge fine. Few days after that i get a call from regional manager apologizing for the inconvenience and asking me if i want to return. Told him to f**k off and hung up. -
Was working at Little Caesars at the time, was probably my 2nd month or so. About an hour before my shift starts, my mom calls and says my grandma fell down the stairs and is at the hospital, and I need to go right away since she works farther away and I can get to her first. I call LC to tell them I can't come in, and my boss said if I don't come in, I'll be fired. I say ok and hang up. A few hours later I get a voicemail saying I've been let go from LC. Totally worth it to make it to my grandma to check on her. -
I worked at a place in Grand Bend Ontario. I was the chef. The year before I was hired; they'd left the place a mess and violated health code to the point where they had been cited, I was working up hill against that and a crazy owner who would rather act like she was 21 than run her f**king business. On a July evening, someone stuck a hot, dirty, sautee pan into my stack of cool clean pans. I wrapped my hand around it and...man. That was an intense level of pain. Literally had to peel the pan from my hand. Crazy owner wouldn't let me call an ambulance because it would be bad for business. Insisted I run service from the other side of the line. I took a few days medical leave after that, all the while fielding harassing phone calls saying how I was letting them down. This place was awful and I'd had no staff for weeks because, again, ownership ran them off. I handed in my notice and was promptly escorted off the property. It was gratifying to watch their reviews sink after that. Food going out cold. Moldy mushroom burgers. Etc. -
Several years ago I worked for a veterinarian. He was such an *sshole. Verbally abusive to all us tech and office staff on almost a daily basis. I cant remember why, but he called me a dumb b*tch. After the day, on my way home I always dropped his mail off at the post office. That day I tore up his house payment check and didn't send it. F*ck that guy. That was the last day I showed up at work. -
Unreasonable sales targets and in the middle of a 1:1 with my boss, who was asking me how I planned to make up for the deficit. I said, "find Jesus." She responded she'd given it a lot of thought and admitted not being able to think of anything on which I could be doing better, but used the, "find Jesus," comment to later get me fired. In such a better role now, not only was the sarcasm worth it, where I am now is! -
Was working in dialysis when another competing company came to town effectively eliminating the monopoly my current company had on treating kidney failure. The company I worked for had already lost their physician group and was so afraid of losing staff (and the patients that would follow them) to the new company they gave out huge retention bonuses. After receiving my bonus I was fired for a manufactured problem beyond my control. I was hired by the new company, got a $10,000 signing bonus and took a couple dozens patients with me to the new company. Got my picture in the new company's brochure they mailed out to all the dialysis patients so they knew where I ended up. Just having a new company come to town to provide competition was also amazing for the patients. They got new heated massage chairs and new TVs with more channels and better/more staff to take care of them. The old company's dialysis centers across town that did not get competing dialysis units put nearby didn't give those patients anything. -
I waited tables at a restaurant/bar and this drunk chick tried to chuck a hot fajitas skillet at me with no success. I then threw her drink right back at her and the guy she was next to. I kinda felt bad because the guy seemed nice, but sometimes there are casualties in war. -
I got fired from Walmart because I went 5 minutes over without clocking out to take a lunch break. I had gotten in trouble for being rude to a customer. I worked electronics; a customer asked me a question and I pointed her in the right direction, but because she couldn't find what she was looking for (I was tied to a register so I couldn't really walk around). The customer said some negative things as she left and in return, I wished her a good goodbye. I got transferred to Furniture, across the aisle from electronics. So one day, I'm building some desk or something. I get called to run a register upfront as I'm trained. When I get leave from the register, I have near zero time to clean up my mess made building such desk. I come in on my next shift and get fired. -
My mom worked at a sh**ty retail place, I was 16 so she got me a job there. One of the co-workers basically bullied my mom daily, she'd cry and eventually quit. Week or so later, girl who bullied my mom's fiance gets hired and I proceeded to talk about how nasty of a woman and how ugly she is-- pretending I wasn't aware they were engaged. Got fired that day. Not even mad, that place was a soul sucker. -
Worked as a telemarketer. Local calls to subscribers of a service. Boss was abusive as hell, taking out his frustrations on employees by angrily berating them. After he did this to a nice girl that worked there I was mad and knew I was gonna quit, so I called my mom who was in Japan at the time and just had a long casual conversation until he stormed out of his office and fired me. -
I was a roofer in NJ the summer after I graduated college. August rolls around and my crew said it was too hot to work. It was easily 105 with a heat index of 115. The roofing co. owner rolls up and I tell him we think we should stop at noon and pick up again early the next day. He looks at them, then me, then them again. They're all working again at this point. Left me hanging. So the owner told me to go home and not bother coming in the next day. I went home to my air conditioning and laughed as the state got hit by a 20-day heatwave. -
My brothers friend worked for a big IT company while he went through a divorce. He basically wanted to maintain a party lifestyle while his wife decided to opt out and that was basically the situation. So my brother yelled me that his friend is dating a super gnarly drug lords little sister and my brother is worried for his friends life at this point. My brother partied a lot and I've gone to concerts with the two of them so when my brother told me he was worried for his friends life, I believe him. So apparently after a binge with this girl he doesn't show up for an important meeting with his company and its not the first time. He gets a text while he's lying on the couch wit girlfriend and his boss explains that everyone is at the meeting except him and wants to know if there's a reason he isn't there. My brother told me his friend responds with a picture of his naked girl on the couch. Not sure where the guy is now, but he was a pretty shifty guy with little or no morals whatsoever. In this country, I'm sure he's a great success somewhere, probably politics. I'll have to ask my brother.
- 20 Times People Were So Happy They Got Fired
- 30 Memes About the Single Life
Worked at a tire shop and just by a fluke of prefect timing I caught the Asst. Mgr take an upskirt picture of a customer who was bent over looking in her trunk for a lug key. I broke his nose. They fired me and it was absolutely appropriate to do so, and I don't even feel bad about it cause they fired him too.